Saturday, November 28, 2009

2002/07/24 09:14

You know, this whole being unable to go to sleep until dawn and waking up a couple hours later is getting out of hand.

I finally fell asleep around 5AM, and I woke up about 20 minutes ago. Oh well. I guess if I utilize my time properly, I should be able to get twice as much done in a day.

Tangent: discourteous drivers. I went riding yesterday in the hills behind my house, and believe you me, someone must have had some sort of impatient driver convention. The roads were overrun with tailgaters, people attempting to pass other people in the middle of turns, insanely slow drivers, et al.

Luckily, me being on a motorcycle, I was somewhat unaffected by all of this; I have yet to encounter a motorist that is anywhere near capable of keeping up with me when I'm on my motorcycle.

The most impressive event by far occurred while Ben and I were pulled off onto the side of the road. A group of three cars were speeding towards a turn that had a passing lane just before the turn began. Imagine, if you will, a car pulling into the lane to the right to allow the car directly behind it to pass. Now imagine the car behind that attempting to pass car two by pulling to the left into the oncoming traffic lane.

So what you had was 3 cars all in one stage of passing or another, careening towards the upcoming turn; now throw in the possibility of a car coming in the opposite direction around the turn, the entire road blocked with oncoming traffic, unbeknownst to him.

Quite the gaggle of fools.

Crap. Stomach hurts. I really should get some food.

On a lighter note, last night I found myself feeling like a capable man again. It appears that my patience in relation to my body's desire for sex payed off. So I guess it takes about 7 days for me to process the chemotherapy drugs enough to get my libido back and for my body to be physiologically capable of having sex again.

That pleases me.

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