Saturday, November 28, 2009

2002/06/29 01:12

So my doctor called me earlier today and informed me that the second blood test results and small-needle biopsy showed that I have Hodgkin's Lymphoma, which is better than non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma; apparently Hodgkin's Lymphoma is more apt to responding to treatment than non-Hodgkin's is.

This pleases me, I suppose. Hodgkin's lymphatic cancer is better than non-Hodgkin's.


I also found out that my cancer is in stage 2, which means that it has spread to nearby tissue. My chest x-rays also revealed a dark mass near my right lung. I'm going in sometime next week for to see a surgeon to get an open biopsy done, so they can directly remove tissue from the tumors in my lymph nodes; I'm assuming they're going to do the bone marrow biopsy at that point also.

My CAT scan is scheduled for next Tuesday at 7AM, which is supposed to tell them if the cancer has spread to my spleen or anywhere else in my body -- I assume it will tell them more about the mass on my lung.

They're considering sending me to Stanford Medical for treatment, which is good, I suppose. My doctor informed me that treatment is most likely going to be chemotherapy and radiation treatments, but they're not certain yet.

I have an appointment at 9AM to see Dr. Fischetti, a medical oncologist -- the cancer specialist assigned to me. I'm assuming he's going to tell me for sure what my treatment is going to be.

I'm not really looking forward to this "consultation," but I have to do it.

I noticed today that I'm becoming weaker, more easily tired. It's also becoming more difficult for me to breathe, regardless of how I hold my head; it's kind of disconcerting.

It's kind of weird, actually; so far, it hasn't really affected my mood all that much. Not that I can see, at any rate. I'm a bit more quick to anger, but I think that's stress-related. I'm not really "down in the dumps" over this, and I don't really have to force myself to be in a good mood. I take that as a good sign.

I really should be sleeping right now, but I'm really not tired. I was tired when I first got home, but that passed quickly.

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