Saturday, November 28, 2009

2002/07/11 01:08

So this morning after approximately 3 hours of sleep I made my way down to the hospital to see my surgeon.

It was time to get the stitches from my open biopsy removed. Quite the odd sensation, actually. A strange pulling feeling, no pain.

Just the pulling.

I asked him when I could expect the first appearance of side-effects from my chemotherapy, and he informed me that most likely they would appear after my second chemotherapy treatment.

I can hardly wait.

After that I attended my weekly meeting at work via my cellphone. Uneventful as usual. They never talk about anything interesting, the selfish pricks.

And then I proceeded to strip down to my underwear and move as little as possible the whole day, with the exception of the requirements of the body; bathroom visits, food, et cetera.

Went and got some coffee with some friends down in Campbell. Just hung out and shot the shit.

A nice relaxing evening.

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