Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Liberalism: anathema to anarchism, socialism, and communism.

From an unknown user on Reddit:
A liberal is an advocate of private property, capitalism and the state (albeit supporting a more benevolent system than conservatives). Anarchists unequivocally oppose all three so we do not like liberalism, it is as simple as that. 
Anarchists find themselves allied with liberals when they support strengthening state programmes / oppose cut backs as a short term goal in defending the interests of the working class. 
Chomsky famously claims that anarchism is a logical extension of classical liberalism, which was largely thought up before the rise of industrial capitalism. This is disputed though. 
I don't share the scorn for liberals that many here have, although I oppose the ideology. I'm not sure whether Chomsky is right or not historically, but in my experience many liberals are only one police baton strike away from anarchist thinking. I pour scorn only on totalitarian ideologies, such as communism or fascism.

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