Friday, September 26, 2014

Why I take exception to being called "a liberal."

"Liberalism is a half-measure. It sees government and capitalism as essentially sound, just in need of a few tweaks to function properly. Liberals like authority just as much as conservatives, they just believe in a slightly more benevolent authority that has slightly more consent from the governed. Liberals pay lip service to equality and inclusiveness, but are comfortable uncritically occupying positions of privilege.

"All that is well and good. We can work with misguided reformists. The problem is liberals' insistence that everyone else abide by their rules. Their privilege and authority issues ensure that they will try to control every movement they are involved in. They will gravitate to leadership positions (if there aren't any, they will create some), they will insist on controlling the message, and they will denounce any tactics they disagree with.

"Liberals are cop worshippers and politician's boot-licks. They are every movement's wet blankets, trying to push everyone back on the sidewalk and back in line when things are just about to get interesting. They are snitches and backstabbers. They will try to hold us back until we are unstoppable and then they will betray us."


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